Yoga for NHS Healthcare Workers and Patients
Would you like to learn how to really relax?
To take time away from the day to day pressures to enable you to put work into perspective and develop your own coping strategies?
To develop nervous system resilience or the ability to 'bounce back' after stressful times?
Slow, mindful yoga can be a great tool for cultivating calmness. (Please see the Research page on this website)
​Investing time into a yoga practice that teaches mastery of the nervous system allows you to stop burning up so much energy on stress.​
Subtle Yoga offers you a blend of gentle breath-infused movement, restorative yoga, yoga nidra and meditation. When combined into a unique balance for you, these techniques will wind you down after a busy day.​
When you learn how to pay attention to the messages your body is giving you, you will create resilience in your nervous system.
Classes are suitable for complete beginners to yoga, they also provide an alternative for people who have done yoga before.
Do call or email me if you would like to discuss the packages that I offer.​ I am also part of the Community Catalyst project. This means that I have been independently assessed to provide yoga classes to healthcare professionals and to people in the community.
I am listed on the 'Small Good Stuff' website to provide yoga to NHS staff and their patients.
I am currently accepting referrals from Social Prescribers and Health & Wellbeing Coaches in Central Bedfordshire.
Community Enterprise Catalyst (Central Bedfordshire)
Head Office Address: York House, 10 Haywra Street, Harrogate, HG1 5BJ
Office: 01423 503937
Mobile: 07435 943869Website: www.communitycatalysts.co.uk
Central Bedfordshire | Small Good Stuff
Contact me to discuss either patient referrals or to discuss classes for yourself or your team as NHS professionals:debbiecirclelife@gmail.com07948804031
This link takes you to my booking page for more information or you can use the button below.