Friday Online Mat Yoga Block of Classes
Fridays 9.30-10.30am
Service Description
Welcome to this 6 week Subtle Inspired Yoga Course. This course also includes one session of True Relax. How can slow, mindful yoga change your body? When you move slowly and mindfully, in other words you can feel exactly where your arms and legs are in space, you are using your muscles. You use your muscles to lift your arm and you are still using the muscles when you slowly lower it. You control the whole movement, the flexion and the extension. These build muscles. When this slow movement is combined with breath work, research has shown that it reduces inflammation. Ordinarily, inflammation is brilliant because it helps us repair our bodies when we damage them, like a scratch or a break. But our lifestyles now mean that we have inflammation all the time because we are constantly stressed. To take time out to move slowly and to mindfully breath reduces the stress levels, or the cortisol, in your body. We can then let the body nurture itself, we digest our food better, we sleep better, our blood sugar is better regulated. Gentle yoga can help us become more agile and balanced, not only in the body but in the mind. I look forward to practicing with you.
Upcoming Sessions
Contact Details
+ 07948804031
Platinum Wellness Studio 15, Manor Road, Caddington, LU1 4EE Manor Road, Caddington, Luton LU1 4EE, UK