About Debbie and Subtle Inspired Yoga
Hello and welcome
If you are considering going to a yoga class for the first time then you are joining over 460,000 people in the UK who have done the same thing. Welcome to a really great way to move and to look after your body.
I am the founder of Circle-Yoga, I trained as a yoga teacher at Whitespace Yoga and Wellbeing
Studio in Stoney Stratford. The studio is affiliated with Yoga Alliance Professionals. I have practiced yoga since my early 20’s, forty plus years.
I believe that yoga brings so much more to people’s lives than movement.
I am a life long learner and I continue to deepen my study of yoga constantly. I have completed 147 hours of training with Subtle® Yoga teacher Kristine Weber and a further 61 hours with other teachers including Dr Yogi (Andrew McGonigle). I now include Subtle® Yoga practices within each of my classes. Subtle® Yoga is very accessible so is ideal for beginners. It is also good for people who have practiced yoga and want something slower and more mindful.
This slower type of yoga can help with nervous system resilience. What does that mean? It helps with the ups and downs of everyday life. It enables your own intrinsic healing to take place. It activates the parasympathetic nervous system which opens up the 'tend & befriend' behaviour. It improves physiological balance. The slow mindful practice builds interoception, so you become more aware of how your body feels. Where your emotions lie, your places of comfort and discomfort. This then leads to feelings of peace, connectivity and unity.
This practice of yoga is not simply about stretch and workout but feelings of being nurtured, self-regulated and peaceful. It is not acrobatic yoga but enables you to train your nervous system and slow down.
Slow, mindful yoga can be part of the equation to address long term health conditions naturally.
Long term health conditions include diabetes, arthritis, chronic fatigue syndrome, anxiety and fibromyalgia.
I am also very aware of osteopenia and osteoporosis, so there is an emphasis on safe spinal work.
I recognize that many people are developing osteoporosis as they age and the classes are aimed to support this.
I have osteoporosis and I use yoga to enable my bones to remain as strong as possible.
I aim to bring yoga to a wide range of people, people who would not normally have thought they
could participate, people living with Long Term Health Conditions including asthma and diabetes.
Subtle Inspired Yoga enables the body to experience a wide range of functional movement, strengthening and stretching the body for its day to day activities.
I am also passionate about cycling and I hold specialist workshops for cyclists, especially women cyclists. I have been trained by British Cycling and the ‘Breeze’ project to encourage women to cycle.
Do contact me direct if you wish to learn more about this.
Circle-Life provides dedicated support for relaxation for GP Practice Managers and their staff. I worked in the NHS for 30+ years, initially as a manager in the local Health Authority and then the Primary Care Trust. I then became a PM and worked locally for 12 years in GP practices. I am well placed to support Practice Managers and their staff. My area of focus is through yoga techniques and NLP to help employees
manage the day to day stress of life in the NHS.
If you were to ask me what my main theme is in life now that I am retired and I have moved to being self-employed as a yoga teacher, it would be fun. Fun runs throughout me now, fun with my children and grandchildren, fun with the people I meet in my classes, fun with my fellow yoga teachers, fun riding my bike.
Courses that I have studied since qualifying in 2018 (220 hours in total):
Subtle Yoga Teacher Training 40 non-contact CEU hours Kristine Weber
Yoga and Neuroscience Connection 40 non-contact CEU hours Kristine Weber
Teaching the Neuroscience of Yoga 13 hours online interactive Kristine Weber
The Neuroscience and Psychology of Chakras 13 hours online interactive Kristine Weber
The Science of Yogic Meditation 13 hours online interactive Kristine Weber
The Science of Menopausal Magnificence 6 hours online interactive Kristine Weber
The Neuroscience of Yoga for Lower Back and Hip Health 6 hours online interactive Kristine Weber
Yoga Nidra 40 hours Dawn Wright
The Neuroscience of Subtle Yoga for Adrenal Exhaustion 3 hours online interactive Kristine Weber
Trauma, Resilience and Being Safely Embodied 4 hours Golden Mandala Yoga School
Subtle Yoga For Enhancing Trauma Recovery 13 hours online interactive Kristine Weber
The Physiology of Yoga 13 hours Andrew McGonigle and Matthew Huy
Demystifying Osteoporosis and Bone Health 2 hours Andrew McGonigle (Dr Yogi)
Demystifying Arthritis 2 hours Andrew McGonigle (Dr Yogi)
The Science of Teaching Chair Yoga 12 hours online interactive Kristine Weber